dimecres, 22 d’abril del 2009

Oblidats. Hidden theme.

Iraqi artist Halim Al-Karim underwent a harrowing experience during the first Gulf War. Opposing Saddam’s regime and its compulsory military service he took to hiding in the desert, living for almost 3 years in a hole in the ground covered by a pile of rocks. He survived only through the assistance of a Bedouin woman who brought him food and water and taught him about gypsy customs and mysticism. Al-Karim has since emigrated to America, however, these events have had a profound effect on his life and form the basis for his art practice.

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Tècnica: Lambda print (?).
Quina forma d'expressar l'horror de la guerra. Eixe anonimat de les persones, que perden el seu rostre.


Lambda or LightJet printing is the latest in state-of-the-art digital technology for producing high quality photographic output from disk. Whether it be printed onto photographic paper, film or duratrans, Lambda printing gives sharp photo images, continuous tone and high-impact colour graphic prints. Lambda is the name and common reference to the process, equipment and product which has taken over from the traditional photographic process.

Art digital, impressió en paper fotogràfic.

Les obres d'aquest artista són de gran format.

Noves vies d'expressió.
